Welcome to my blog. This is my first attempt at blogging, but I felt it was time. I spend my entire day learning how to be a SharePoint Developer one Google search at a time. Some of the excessive time is due to me, but most of it is due to the convoluted product that is Microsoft SharePoint.

I wanted to share some of my experiences with you in case you are having some of the same trials and tribulations I have had. I cannot say that I have all the answers or that some of the answers I do have even follow best practices, but hopefully they will help you.

I am still learning SharePoint and I do plan on pursuing the Microsoft Certification for SharePoint 2007 Application Development, so along the way I will share the things I have learned.

Thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

SharePoint Not Logging

I ran into an issue today I thought I would share.  Adding an item to a SharePoint list is causing the workflows to "Failed to Start (retrying)".  When I went to the LOGS folder in the 12 hive to investigate, there were no logs.  I double checked and reset all the setting in the CA, but still was unable to get any logging in SharePoint.

Finally, I double checked the Path setting under the Trace Log section.  There was a space at the end of the path.  Instead of ...\12\LOGS.  It was ...12\LOGS.  I removed the space, saved the screen, and ta dah!!!  I have logs.

I'm not sure how that stupid space got in there, but that was causing my logging to not work.

Hope this helps you if you are having a similar issue.

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